Friday, November 04, 2005

Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.....


San said...

I want to be a kid again too! But then people always say I have the mental age of a three year old :P

Kon ?? said...

tu to already bacchi hai ? abhi badi hui kahan :o ??
btw broken heart :o ? something sounding fishy here ???

Thought said...

@San...lucky need to be kid!

Thought said...

@kon..i wish ye sach hota..aur fishy!!! donn't you know i am very complicated ;)

Kon ?? said...

i think being complicated and broken heart are 2 different things........i guess even u know tht..
chalo will take this offline :D

Thought said...

Its not about broken about breaking someone's heart....

Anand said...

"donn't you know i am very complicated ;)"

I don't really understand why people themselves wish to be COMPLICATED these days, and then they take immense pride in telling this to others. (thought it may not be true for you. I'm saying this coz' I know a friend of mine who does this)

Vikalp said...

The 'complicated' thing made me forget wat I actually wanted to write. Neway, Try and listen to " Avril Lavigne". Gess tht shud soothe all the simple ppl and help the COmplicated 1's.

Himanshu said...

who won't wish to be a kid again ?

hmm, well if you ask me broken hearts r easy to mend at later ages then in early age. confused ? ask me again then ;)