Monday, November 14, 2005


People say i am good in bugging others by sking all type of questions n then deducing them...into a definite pattern.So thought..why not start it here too :)

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I am going to die at 84. When are you? Click here to find out!


Himanshu said...

weired 106
death 72

is it bad kya ?

Kon ?? said...

i had given this earlier...
weird was somewhere around 110 or more i guess.....
death 77......

vaise ur results doesn't show anything i guess ?

Gubbi said...

....and exactly how does this help u deduce the pattern?

Amit Gaur said...

Weird = 117
death = 70
i didnt know i am that weird ..... dying at 70 is fine i think

San said...

Complete Geek IITian huh? *hmph*

Go and study, young ignorant one... you have much to learn about life...

(110, 78)