Sunday, November 27, 2005

Indian Institute Of Technology...kharagpur.

"Serving for the betterment of nation"That was the first sentence that i noticed in the main institute building walking through the road...those words were shining high in the air....wispering you each time you enter the insti building that you are lucky...that you are a part of integral part..maybe just for few days to few years..but its name will get attached with you forever.This blog is not just about is about my days in the insti where i had dreamed to be a part not for 5 weeks...but for 5 years :)
..........Will continue..latter coz right now i got to fix up my teddy bear...


Himanshu said...

"Dedicated to the Service of Nation"

Kon ?? said...

5 years :o ?
how come ?
isn't engg supposed to be of 4 years ? or u had 5 yr plans :)

Jayanth Madhav Barki said...

We meet again! this time on the blogosphere!

Hope you noticed the eight foot giant at least this time in the campus!

Thought said...

@Abhinav..well panloop looked good.
@mann..Well well sab chalta hain..
@kon5 years for the dual degree
@Jayanth..yes i guess i have seen you many a times in the campus now.

. said...

How is your teddy BTW and the misstress and friend of the teddy for the sake of awareness. I think friends must have a bitta ...
Well as per the habit its a good habit to keep blogging.
Wish to see some more serious stuff out there.

Amit Gaur said...

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane
But the memory remains

Thought said...

@Ravish..kgp was a nice experience
@Biswajeet i was in kgp for a winter project and also during the insti rocks :)