Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Blogs...well this new disease infected me recently...& it is all so fun..why the other day i was going through an unknown persons blog,she is 40 something & recently divorced...felt like ahh! life can be so different..it can take such weird turnings...that at one point or other you'll feel all insecured...but guess what...she was not! she was fighting for it..Then why cann't everyone be like her...fight for what is yours.."your own life" love it..coz it is the only thing that gave you the chance to see this world..love all the other people...now now donn't you think this blog is about knowing who I am...I know who i am...i am complicated n confused ;) new punch line..effective?Haven't seen the results yet...will I? Donn't know...
phew someone really said rightly....you start somewhere you end somewhere else......but isn't it a good way of knowing the whole path...by trodding through those unknown paths....seeing thing you have never seen before..realizing feelings you have always discarded as if they never exist ..................
Blogs are strange :)


Gubbi said...

is it blogs or is it you?
or is it none at all? 'cause that's how everything seems to be arround here....
strange....oh, I mean is there anything strange about strangeness?

Thought said...

Strangeness has a quality..an aura :)

Kshitij said...

nice to see that post from u :)

Gubbi said...

yes strangeness has a quality..an aura

the aura of strangeness is sometimes so familiar and the aura of familiarity is sometimes so strange....

one may see strangeness in everything.... and at times see too much familiarity in the very same things...

word juggling....fun isn't it?

so, u say the strange thing about strangeness is that it's got a quality..a kind of aura....interesting....can you plz elaborate more?

Phenomenon said...

well chayanika,
mentation from bewildered psyche.keep it up.

Thought said...

What' so bewildered about it?

Vikalp said...

Well..here the "Who Am I" part got me thinking..

May be coz i managed a post myself on the same topic.

MAy be u want to check tht 1 out.