Friday, October 21, 2005


Black.....never liked the colour..always wanted to be as pure as the white..but somehow i have realized that ...the purity is achieved when it is seen the darkest of the contrast..something like"a lotus grows well only in filty ponds on not the clear running stream!:) No i do realise why people really say that i am a fudae baj..Am I?
Confused as always....


Pinku said...

Me first here to comment.
Yeah, you are really fundebaj, there is nothing to confuse. Fundoo ka mazak uda kar rakh diya.
Could you lil bit explain the statement "purity is achieved when it is seen the darkest of the contrast". Some real life examples would be highly appreciated, mind you "real life examples" and not metaphors.
Personally I believe Purity in itself is an abstract concept and it does not need any other thing to represent it.

Thought said...

Keep an eye on the'll get what i meant to say.

Himanshu said...

can i read it now ? or still now allowed ?

Thought said...

No doesn't exist in "our" dictonary.

Kshitij said...


wht can i say ... but somewhat agree with that :)


Gubbi said...

u mean to say there is no absolute purity? so a lotus would be no longer a beauty if not for the filthy pond?

ur blog is black with white letters.

so....r u are those white letters on blackness?
lotus grows well in filth, not in clear lotus needs lots of crap to feed become what it wudn't be the same if surrounded by "not filth" wud no longer exist well if it's put with "all white"....

or is filth really filthy?
I mean to lotus, the clear stream wud be filthy and the filthy pond wud be heaven....
so....r u that blackness on which shines the white letters?

Thought said...

@Gubbi..Black evolves in presence of white..we can understand the meaning of goodness after we actually experience the badness...

Gubbi said...

...and vice-versa...

Thought said...

everything is vice versa...the thing is what needs what to evolve :)

Spectator said...

i love the color black. its the color of reality.... color of truth.